Channel: Take action! – Feeding America West Michigan
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May 19: Join us in celebrating the life and work of John Arnold (1950-2012)


Most of us try hard to be good people. We know that the smallest good deeds can have beneficial ripple effects.

But in every generation, a few people manage to start enormous waves of change – and sometimes even to turn the tide against long-term problems.

John Arnold was one of those people. As our executive director for 21 years, John was the driving force behind developing a food bank that would do more to help the hungry than almost anyone could have imagined. Today, as a direct result of John’s vision and energy, Feeding America West Michigan reaches more than 100,000 households in 40 counties. His model of rescuing good food and having those who need it choose what they could use has become the standard around the country. His vision of mobile food trucks providing perishable goods directly to communities has been duplicated in more than 100 food banks around the country.

Please join us on Saturday, May 19 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. to celebrate John’s legacy – and follow in his footsteps – by visiting and volunteering during the John Arnold Day of Service at Feeding America West Michigan Food Bank’s main warehouse, 864 West River Center Drive in Comstock Park, just north of Grand Rapids. Get directions.

Let’s each honor John in our own small way – and together make waves in his memory and in the fight against hunger.

Later that day, the John Arnold Memorial Bike Ride will depart from the Food Bank at 12:30 p.m. This 15-mile trip to Rockford and back along the White Pine Trail includes a stop for lunch at Arnie’s in Rockford. Email Andrew Steiner at andrews@feedwm.org for more information.

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